Taiiki, the top corporate communications firm that specialises in CEO branding, aims to assist its worldwide customers in becoming thought leaders, whether on camera or on stage.
In order to prepare for media appearances on television, radio, and digital platforms, our personal branding experts will teach you to build effective and confident narratives.
You will frequently address conferences, TEDx lectures, and other events in your capacity as a keynote speaker. To have a big impression, we assist you in communicating your message. With the help of our professional advice, we make sure that your behaviour, body language, and tone of voice support your credibility and leave a lasting impression on your target audience.
It takes just a few minutes for a bad scenario to go viral on social media before media outlets take notice. As, People are much more engaged on social media now that we all have access to technology.
Through our crisis communication and media training services, we assist you in honing messages, avoiding misquotes, and creating deflection strategies for unwelcome questions that may come up at these significant career moments.